10 Reasons Why You Should Stop Eating Instant Noodles

Instant noodles is a common food in most people’s kitchen, This is because it’s a fast, cheap and easy to cook food for the man on the go but it is important to note that this food can kill faster than known poison. Here is 10 Reasons Why You Should Stop Eating Instant Noodles

1. Nutrient Absorption: Noodles inhibit the absorption of nutrients for the children under 5.

2. Cancer: The ingredient in the instant noodles called “Styrofoam’, is a cancer causing agent.

3. Miscarriage: Women who are Eating instant noodles during their pregnancy causes miscarriage, because it affect the development of a foetus.

4. Junk Food: instant noodles are enriched with full of carbohydrates, but no vitamins, fiber and minerals. This makes the instant noodles considered as a junk food.

5. Sodium: Instant noodles are power packed with high amounts of sodium. Excess consumption of sodium leads to heart disease, stroke, hypertension and kidney damage.

6. MSG: Mono sodium Glutamate is used to enhance the flavour of instant noodles. People who are allergic to MSG consume it as part of their diet, then they end up suffering from headaches, facial flushing, pain, burning sensations.

7. Overweight: Eating Noodles is the leading cause of obesity. Noodles contains fat and large amounts of sodium, which causes water retention in the body and surely it leads to overweight, and obesity leads to heart problems.

8. Digestion: Instant noodles are bad for digestive system. Regular consumption of instant noodles causes irregular bowl movements
and bloating.

9. Propylene Glycol: The ingredient in the instant noodles called “Propylene Glycol” which has an anti-freeze property. This ingredient is used because it prevents the noodles from drying by retaining moisture. It weakens the immune system of our body. It is easily absorbed by the body and it accumulates in the kidneys, heart and liver. It causes abnormalities and damage to those areas.

10. Metabolism: Regular consumption of instant noodles affect the body’s metabolism, because of the chemical substances like additives, coloring and preservatives inside the noodles.

Copied from: An online source


  1. Please before we share such news let us be sure of its accuracy. There are somethings mentioned in this article that are so untrue. (1) Instant noodles do not contain Styrofoam. For those who do not know, Styrofoam is a closed-cell extruded polystyrene foam currently made for thermal insulation and craft applications ie those white stuff used in making food containers or packaging things like electronics before putting them in carton boxes. (2) Monosodium glutamate (MSG), also known as sodium glutamate, is the sodium salt of glutamic acid, one of the most abundant naturally occurring non-essential amino acids. MSG is classified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) and by the European Union as a food additive. Therefore, the intake of MSG as a food additive and the natural level of glutamic acid in foods do not represent a toxicological concern in humans. (3) concerning absorption, may I remind every1 that the main ingredient in noodles is wheat flour, palm oil, and salt. How would this inhibit absorption in children? Plus if that were true, don’t you think we would have so many malnourished children (considering the high rate of consumption of noodles among children)? (4) As for saying that noodles causes miscarriage….. well only an illiterate would say that considering the fact that only nutrients from the mother can get to the foetus. Seeing as how the body does not differentiate which starch (for instance) is from which food, how can one then say that it is the starch from the noodles that is causing the miscarriage. I could go on and on and on but let me end by asking 2 questions; (A) Considering the worldwide consumption of instant noodles, do you think that all the world’s health bodies (FDA, WHO, NAFDAC etc) would consider it fit for consumption if it wasn’t? (b) How come it is only Nigerian (a country not known for research capabilities) that comes up with such propaganda………Where did whoever that came up with these, do his/her research?

    1. @Anonymous, the purpose of sharing this post was to create a discussion forum where intelligent minds like you will contribute immensely to create sound information filtrating into our societies.
      Trust me, we have research persons always looking for information to develop topics around the world.

    2. Kindly check on this link also: http://www.vibenigeria.com/10-reasons-stop-eating-instant-noodles/

  2. @ anonymous, thank you for the insights and explanations. Nigerians and false news......God help us.


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